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UNCSA 2019


Assistant Stage Manager for Massenet's Werther. Worked alongside two casts of Fletcher Opera Institute lead singers and one cast of undergraduate and high school student chorus from UNCSA's School of Music. Created props tracking paperwork, Who/What/Where, and cued entrances from the score for singers. Coordinated weapons permits, transport, and safe storage for the run of show. 

Paperwork Examples

Production Staff


Jules Massenet- Composer


Édouard Blau and Paul Milliet- Libretto


Steven LaCosse- Director


Anthony Walker- Conductor


Rachel Miller- Scenic Design


Ethan Saiewitz- Lighting Design


Kristen Mendez- Costume Design


Nick Lynch Voris- Wigs & Makeup Design


Nina Walker- Production Stage Manager


Carson Roxanne Gantt & Helen Moreau- Assistant Stage Managers

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